
An art album created to explore the potential of the human brain


By 2023, leviphil launched his second art album titled “urEyesOnly” which was created to explore the potential of the human brain. Each artwork from the album relies on human perception and our ability to assume without realizing it. The album is available for use via Google Chrome, Society 6, and Red Bubble.
It was released in the format of a series where at least one artwork is launched per month over the year until completion. This format inspired the artworks to be referred to as episodes. With this in mind, the art album is made up of 6 episodes.
Its mesmerizing use of colors and shapes creates room for viewers of all age groups, sexes, and races to assign their own meaning and emotions to it.
Countless JimJams

Countless JimJams

Countless JimJams is the first artwork from urEyesOnly.
Happy Thoughts on Steroids

Happy Thoughts on Steroids

Happy Thoughts on Steroids is the second artwork from urEyesOnly.
Cocked Up Straight

Cocked Up Straight

Cocked Up Straight is the third artwork from urEyesOnly.


RGBTQ is the fourth artwork from urEyesOnly.
Mirrored Psyche

Mirrored Psyche

Mirrored Psyche is the fifth artwork from urEyesOnly.
Alone but not Alone

Alone but not Alone

Alone but not Alone is the sixth and final artwork from urEyesOnly.

urEyesOnly trailer

A trailer for the art album urEyesOnly.

urEyesOnly Season Finale

A season finale video marking the completion of the art album urEyesOnly.